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GoGreen – Missioon 2050: null emissiooni
Laire Suurväli – Kvaliteedi-, keskkonna- ja kommunikatsioonijuht Marje Summel – NetOPS direktor April 3, 2019
Deutsche Post DHL korporatsioonist üldiselt
A look back shows that we have achieved a lot. That includes... Achieving our carbon efficiency target early Putting more than 2,000 of our self-developed electric StreetScooter delivery vans on the road. Offering a large portfolio of GoGreen Solutions that help our customers achieve their own sustainability goals and make their supply chains greener. Pioneering new services, such as carbon accounting and reporting In short: We have pioneered green logistics with our GoGreen program, which has also driven our industry as a whole. We have made a noticeable impact and won numerous awards. And we have made our customers’’ businesses more successful and sustainable. This is a fantastic foundation on which to build our future, and we have now set out on a bold new mission: We will do everything in our power to reach our new climate protection target and actively support limiting global warming to below two degrees Celsius. We will increase the quality of life in urban areas. We will make our customers’ supply chains greener and embed green solutions into the DNA of our company. Our success will be built on the dedication and ideas of our employees, as well as our customers and suppliers. In other words: We are not standing still, but instead setting ourselves a bold target for the future that will see us lead the way in green logistics for many years to come. That way we will make connecting people and improving lives a sustainable endeavor. MISSION 2050: ZERO EMISSIONS GoGreen - Missioon 2050: Null Emissiooni | Tallinn | 03.aprill 2019 2
Deutsche Post DHL korporatsioonist üldiselt
A look back shows that we have achieved a lot. That includes... Achieving our carbon efficiency target early Putting more than 2,000 of our self-developed electric StreetScooter delivery vans on the road. Offering a large portfolio of GoGreen Solutions that help our customers achieve their own sustainability goals and make their supply chains greener. Pioneering new services, such as carbon accounting and reporting In short: We have pioneered green logistics with our GoGreen program, which has also driven our industry as a whole. We have made a noticeable impact and won numerous awards. And we have made our customers’’ businesses more successful and sustainable. This is a fantastic foundation on which to build our future, and we have now set out on a bold new mission: We will do everything in our power to reach our new climate protection target and actively support limiting global warming to below two degrees Celsius. We will increase the quality of life in urban areas. We will make our customers’ supply chains greener and embed green solutions into the DNA of our company. Our success will be built on the dedication and ideas of our employees, as well as our customers and suppliers. In other words: We are not standing still, but instead setting ourselves a bold target for the future that will see us lead the way in green logistics for many years to come. That way we will make connecting people and improving lives a sustainable endeavor. MISSION 2050: ZERO EMISSIONS GoGreen - Missioon 2050: Null Emissiooni | Tallinn | 03.aprill 2019 3
2 1 regulaarlend päevas +60% ISO 1 TAPA-A sertifitseeritud terminal
Fakte DHL Express Estonia kohta 1 regulaarlend päevas Üle 26 kuller-sõiduki 2 teenindus- keskust Tallinnas Aasta riik tunnustus 2016 & 2017 +60% turuosa 1 TAPA-A sertifitseeritud terminal ISO 9001, ja 50001 sertifitseeritud Rohelise kontori sertifikaat alates 2013 Aasta keskkonna-sõbralik ettevõte 2013 & 2017 A look back shows that we have achieved a lot. That includes... Achieving our carbon efficiency target early Putting more than 2,000 of our self-developed electric StreetScooter delivery vans on the road. Offering a large portfolio of GoGreen Solutions that help our customers achieve their own sustainability goals and make their supply chains greener. Pioneering new services, such as carbon accounting and reporting In short: We have pioneered green logistics with our GoGreen program, which has also driven our industry as a whole. We have made a noticeable impact and won numerous awards. And we have made our customers’’ businesses more successful and sustainable. This is a fantastic foundation on which to build our future, and we have now set out on a bold new mission: We will do everything in our power to reach our new climate protection target and actively support limiting global warming to below two degrees Celsius. We will increase the quality of life in urban areas. We will make our customers’ supply chains greener and embed green solutions into the DNA of our company. Our success will be built on the dedication and ideas of our employees, as well as our customers and suppliers. In other words: We are not standing still, but instead setting ourselves a bold target for the future that will see us lead the way in green logistics for many years to come. That way we will make connecting people and improving lives a sustainable endeavor. GoGreen - Missioon 2050: Null Emissiooni | Tallinn | 03.aprill 2019 4
... Keskkonnnakaitseprogrammi GoGreen edulugu 2008 2012 2014 2016
Esimene rahvusvaheline logistikaettevõte, mis seab konkreetsed CO2- eesmärgid Keskkonnaprogrammi üheks osaks saab GOGREEN teenus meie klientidele Alternatiivlahenduste võidukäik saadetiste kohale- toimetamise ning pealekorje suhtes Saavutame aastaks seatud eesmärgi vähendada 30% CO2 4 aastat ennem lõpptähtaega ... 2008 2012 2014 2016 PEAMISED MÕJUTAJAD Seadusandlikud nõuded transpordiga seotud CO2-vähenemisele Investorid nõuavad konkreetseid tegevusi ning nende läbipaistvust Suurkliendid nõuavad rohelisi transpordilahendusi ÜRO kestliku arengu eesmärgid seavad selged jätkusuutlikuse sihid As the leading logistics company, we understand that it is our job to make our customers, employees and investors more successful. But one of our greatest challenges is also to make our business as sustainable as possible. That's because protecting the environment and fighting climate change are absolutely vital. In recent years, we've set the standard for green logistics: Allow me to mention a few of many milestones: In 2008, we were the first global logistics company with a quantified carbon efficiency target. We wanted to improve our carbon efficiency by 30% over levels. Since 2012, we have adopted the Shared Value approach. That means that our business and that of our customers will also profit from what we do for society and the environment. Our portfolio of green solutions is based on this principle. Since 2014, we have been increasingly introducing electric vehicles into our last mile operations on a large scale. We currently have over 2,000 StreetScooters on the road – a number that will increase sharply in the coming years. In 2016, we achieved our 2020 climate protection target, four years ahead of schedule. Thankfully, the world around us has also not remained at a standstill. New regulatory requirements are increasingly forcing the transport sector to move away from fossil fuels. More and more investors are demanding action and transparency when it comes to green logistics. Our customers are also setting ambitious environmental targets for their suppliers, which of course we'd like to help them achieve. And the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have given the world to very encouraging signs. But we cannot and we will not stop there. The extensive and positive experience we have gained in recent years has encouraged us to take another very bold step: Source: Deutsche Post DHL Group GoGreen - Missioon 2050: Null Emissiooni | Tallinn | 03.aprill 2019 5
MISSIOON 2050: NULL EMISSIOONI Meie pikemaajalisem eesmärk
Our new mission: By 2050, we want to reduce all logistics-related emissions to net zero. We are setting a new standard for the future of the transport sector. And doing our part to help the world community reach its goal of limiting global warming to less than two degrees Celsius. We are the first large logistics company in the world to set such a broad and ambitious target, so once again we are leading the logistics industry when it comes to protecting the environment and fighting climate change. And our customers benefit from that as well. GoGreen - Missioon 2050: Null Emissiooni | Tallinn | 03.aprill 2019 6
2050 Neli strateegilist vahe-eesmärki aastaks 2025
Misioon 2050 omab nelja vahe-eesmärki: Aastaks 2025 püüame vähendada oma CO2 jalajälge 50% võrra võrrelduna baasaastaga aitamaks kaasa globaalsele väljakutsele piirata kliima soojenemist 2c võrra. 1. Globaalne eesmärk Püüame parandada kohalikku elukvaliteeti aastaks vähendades müra ja õhusaastet kasutades kuni 70% ulatuses keskkonnasõbralikumaid transpordilahendusi. 2. Kohalik eesmärk 2025 2050 NULL EMISSIOONI Soovime, et aastaks 2025 oleks rohkem kui 50% meie müügiportfellidest suunatud rohelistele lahendustele, mis aitavad meie klientidel olla oma tarneahelas rohelisemad ning saavutada jätkusuutlikuse eesmärke. 3. Majanduslik eesmärk But we’re not limiting ourselves to one goal for the year 2050. We have set four specific milestones for along the way that cover all aspects of our business and our impact on the environment. This ensures that we plot the right course from the very beginning. We want to further increase our carbon efficiency. By 2025, we intend to improve it by 50% over 2007 levels. This is how we will do our part to support global efforts to fight climate change. We’re also taking action at the local level: We want to improve the quality of life where people suffer from noise and air pollution the most – namely in urban areas. And will achieve this by delivering 70% of our own first and last mile services with clean pick-up and delivery solutions by 2025, for example by bike or with electric vehicles. Economically, by 2025 we want more than 50% of our sales to incorporate green solutions. This means we’ll be helping our customers make their supply chains greener and achieve their own sustainability goals. We can only achieve our goals if we work shoulder to shoulder with our employees, customers and suppliers. That’s why we’re motivating them to get actively involved in our climate protection initiatives. By 2025, we will have trained 80% of our employees to become certified GoGreen specialists. We also want to work with partners to plant one million trees each year. Me suudame oma eesmärgid saavutada vaid siis, kui kaasame protsessi oma töötajad, kliendid ning allhankijad. Aastaks soovime, et 80% meie töötajatest oleks sertifitseeritud GoGreen spetsialistid ning istutaksime korporatiivselt miljon puud aastas. 4. Töötajatega seotud eesmärk Source: Deutsche Post DHL Group GoGreen - Missioon 2050: Null Emissiooni | Tallinn | 03.aprill 2019 7
Kokkuvõtteks Aitamaks kaasa korporatiivsele eesmärgile NULL emissiooni suhtes oleme iga-aastaselt seadnud keskkonna- ning nüüd ka energiatõhususe eesmärgid! Oleme saavutanud juba palju… Mõõdame aastast 2008 igakuiselt oma kõikide kontorite, kullerite autopargi ning ametiautode CO2-jalajälge Meil on seatud iga-aastased keskkonna ning energiaefektiivsuse eemärgid Uute töötajate juhendamine algab juba ennem esimest ametlikku tööpäeva Oleme tugevad kommunikatsioonis – infot leiab stendidelt, siseveebist, uudiskirjadest jms allikatest Meil on konkreetsed eesmärgid seoses töötajate keskkonna- alaste koolituste läbimisega (sh eco-driving kursus) Ettevõttes on moodustatud oma energaitiim (sh energia- kontroller), kes kohtub 1 kord kuus energiakoosolekul Oleme seadnud energiatõhususe eesmärgid, mida monitoorime igakuiselt Üldise teadlikkuse tõstmise nimel kirjutame energiablogi Oleme kaasanud protsessi ka oma allhankijad Viime läbi objektipõhiseid energiaauditeid jpm. ....kuid palju on veel ka saavutada! A look back shows that we have achieved a lot. That includes... Achieving our carbon efficiency target early Putting more than 2,000 of our self-developed electric StreetScooter delivery vans on the road. Offering a large portfolio of GoGreen Solutions that help our customers achieve their own sustainability goals and make their supply chains greener. Pioneering new services, such as carbon accounting and reporting In short: We have pioneered green logistics with our GoGreen program, which has also driven our industry as a whole. We have made a noticeable impact and won numerous awards. And we have made our customers’’ businesses more successful and sustainable. This is a fantastic foundation on which to build our future, and we have now set out on a bold new mission: We will do everything in our power to reach our new climate protection target and actively support limiting global warming to below two degrees Celsius. We will increase the quality of life in urban areas. We will make our customers’ supply chains greener and embed green solutions into the DNA of our company. Our success will be built on the dedication and ideas of our employees, as well as our customers and suppliers. In other words: We are not standing still, but instead setting ourselves a bold target for the future that will see us lead the way in green logistics for many years to come. That way we will make connecting people and improving lives a sustainable endeavor. MISSION 2050: ZERO EMISSIONS Source: Deutsche Post DHL Group GoGreen - Missioon 2050: Null Emissiooni | Tallinn | 03.aprill 2019 8
Kommunikatsiooni olulisus
A look back shows that we have achieved a lot. That includes... Achieving our carbon efficiency target early Putting more than 2,000 of our self-developed electric StreetScooter delivery vans on the road. Offering a large portfolio of GoGreen Solutions that help our customers achieve their own sustainability goals and make their supply chains greener. Pioneering new services, such as carbon accounting and reporting In short: We have pioneered green logistics with our GoGreen program, which has also driven our industry as a whole. We have made a noticeable impact and won numerous awards. And we have made our customers’’ businesses more successful and sustainable. This is a fantastic foundation on which to build our future, and we have now set out on a bold new mission: We will do everything in our power to reach our new climate protection target and actively support limiting global warming to below two degrees Celsius. We will increase the quality of life in urban areas. We will make our customers’ supply chains greener and embed green solutions into the DNA of our company. Our success will be built on the dedication and ideas of our employees, as well as our customers and suppliers. In other words: We are not standing still, but instead setting ourselves a bold target for the future that will see us lead the way in green logistics for many years to come. That way we will make connecting people and improving lives a sustainable endeavor. GoGreen - Missioon 2050: Null Emissiooni | Tallinn | 03.aprill 2019 9
Mida tulevik toob? A look back shows that we have achieved a lot. That includes... Achieving our carbon efficiency target early Putting more than 2,000 of our self-developed electric StreetScooter delivery vans on the road. Offering a large portfolio of GoGreen Solutions that help our customers achieve their own sustainability goals and make their supply chains greener. Pioneering new services, such as carbon accounting and reporting In short: We have pioneered green logistics with our GoGreen program, which has also driven our industry as a whole. We have made a noticeable impact and won numerous awards. And we have made our customers’’ businesses more successful and sustainable. This is a fantastic foundation on which to build our future, and we have now set out on a bold new mission: We will do everything in our power to reach our new climate protection target and actively support limiting global warming to below two degrees Celsius. We will increase the quality of life in urban areas. We will make our customers’ supply chains greener and embed green solutions into the DNA of our company. Our success will be built on the dedication and ideas of our employees, as well as our customers and suppliers. In other words: We are not standing still, but instead setting ourselves a bold target for the future that will see us lead the way in green logistics for many years to come. That way we will make connecting people and improving lives a sustainable endeavor. GoGreen - Missioon 2050: Null Emissiooni | Tallinn | 03.aprill 2019 10
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